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About Me

Hi, I’m Amy.

I'm Canadian, and have been living abroad since 2013, first in eSwatini and now in Kenya. I have worn many career hats over the past 15 years --- the private sector in Canada, the international NGO sector in eSwatini, and in the health start-up sector in Kenya, as well as free-lance consulting in all 3 countries. A lot of people look at my career path and say - Wow! It’s so varied and interesting! But, looking back, I don’t think I was ever really fulfilled in my work life. I realize now that I always took the first job that came along instead of ever really taking the time to think about what I wanted to be doing, what I enjoyed doing. I only ever looked at what I thought I should be doing.


I was living in a world of "should's"

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I should be working in a high-paying job in my field -- even if it wasn’t bringing me any joy;

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I should be happy when I earn that high paying job in my field -- but I wasn’t;

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I should take 1 year of maternity leave, because that is what you do in Canada -- but I wasn't living in Canada and didn't have paid maternity leave;

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I should be spending more time with my kids -- even though quantity did not always equal quality - Mom guilt is real!;

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I should be happy, I have a wonderful husband, two adorable kids, great friends -- but I still felt like something was missing

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I should… I shouldn’t…  I should be…. But who said I should? I don’t think I ever asked myself that back then.

My A-HA (or UH-OH) moment came while I was doing a Life Design course. I looked ahead 5 years from my work situation and felt DREAD. I knew I wasn’t thrilled about the work I had been doing but it really made me realize that I did NOT want to be doing the same thing in 5 years. At the time I didn’t really know what to do with this newfound realization, but I did know I wanted to help others to experience those A-HA (and Uh-Oh) moments. Fast Forward. I am now a business owner and have been coaching people who are in the similar place that I was not so long ago. I made incremental steps to achieving my goals, investing in myself, training as a coach and I continue learning with each new client I support. I followed the things that brought me energy, that I found engaging, and that I actually enjoyed doing.


Most of my clients come to me feeling unfulfilled, restless, stuck - but feeling apprehensive about making a change. The outcomes of coaching can vary for everyone. Some of my clients refocus their attention on the positive aspects of their current work-life, and that new perspective provides them with more meaning and fulfilment. Other clients move into a new position, company, role, to find the meaning they are looking for. What I’ve learned -- even from my own experience -- is that sometimes you just need an impartial perspective, someone to walk beside you on your journey, not to push or pull you in any one direction, but to help carry your load (and maybe give you a pair of binoculars so that you can see where you’re going!) 

Are you ready to join me to take the next step - and explore what's available to you?. 

Fun Facts About Me!

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My husband and I moved out of our apartment in Montreal 3 weeks after we got married, and moved to Eswatini (Swaziland) 1 month later. 

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My son was born at a birthing center in Johannesburg, South Africa, and my daughter at a birthing center in Nairobi, Kenya 

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Yoga is one of my must haves in life - I do it as mindfulness practice more than exercise and I love love love the Yoga with Adrienne Channel on YouTube. Being able to practice daily during the COVID lock downs was HUGE for me. ​

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I am a birth doula and have supported more than 10 couples through perinatal education classes, home and hospital births since 2020.

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I'm an environmentalist - I do my best to reduce, reuse and recycle - using cloth diapers on both of my kids, making my own environmentally friendly cleaning products, finding creative ways to not throw anything out (to my husband’s dismay!) - and would like to find creative ways to promote that in my community. ​

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I have worked a wide range of jobs from a young age - I have been a babysitter, a food truck crew member, a Post Office assistant, a pharmacist’s assistant, a sunscreen sales rep, a Neuroscience 101 teaching assistant, a research assistant in a neuro-psychology lab and a sporting goods sales associate. Although patchy, I really have learned something different in each of these jobs which shape the way I work  today. 


Get in touch!

If my story resonates with you and you want to learn more about my coaching services, send me an email or schedule a free discovery call to learn more about how we can work together. 

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